Option 1
SPARK. The evolution of a new small business credit card
Option 2
SPARK. The evolution of a new small business credit card
Option 3
The Situation. With the small business segment expanding at a rapid rate, Capital One decided to launch “Spark”, a small business credit card to tap this market. The issue, what should the brand voice be? Entrepreneurial and free spirited, or the same voice as other Capital One product segments using the Visigoths? My focus was to explore, along with my writer and creative partner, the entrepreneurial and free spirited approach to help senior management with this decision. The Strategy. Ideas were formatted like print ads so senior management could see and experience the brand message quickly. What appears here is a sampling of what was presented along with a mock up video. Ultimately, senior management decided to stay with the overall brand voice using the Visigoths for the new Spark segment but were very intrigued by the alternatives that were developed and the opportunities that they presented.
Option 4
The Situation. With the small business segment expanding at a rapid rate, Capital One decided to launch “Spark”, a small business credit card to tap this market. The issue, what should the brand voice be? Entrepreneurial and free spirited, or the same voice as other Capital One product segments using the Visigoths? My focus was to explore, along with my writer and creative partner, the entrepreneurial and free spirited approach to help senior management with this decision.
The Strategy. Ideas were formatted like print ads so senior management could see and experience the brand message quickly. What appears here is a sampling of what was presented along with a mock up video. Ultimately, senior management decided to stay with the overall brand voice using the Visigoths for the new Spark segment but were very intrigued by the alternatives that were developed and the opportunities that they presented.